Deacon Tom Rossi

Deacon Tom Rossi, MCC UCC in the ValleyTom Rossi serves MCCUCC in the Valley on the Pastoral Care Team as Deacon. Since January 2020, Tom has been writing weekly reflections on the scripture to be read at that week’s Worship Service.

From the first service he attended in 1992, Tom felt led to make MCCV (as it was named then) his spiritual home. Receiving spiritual nourishment here, Tom became active in many capacities to pass along what this church offers.

Tom has been an Altar Participant since 1992, served in the Lay Delegation of UFMCC, held a one-year term as Secretary on the Board of Directors, has been a deacon since 1995, was employed by the church as Office Administrator from 1997 until his retirement in 2016, and had been involved with Alive Productions (performance), and a choir member 2001-2016. Tom has officially represented this church in various venues as a liaison between the church and other community organizations.

Tom was raised in the Roman Catholic faith tradition and was educated in Catholic school systems Kindergarten through College, including eight years of Jesuit education at Fordham Preparatory School and Fordham University, Bronx New York. Tom’s faith journey has also been influenced by comparative religions, mystical traditions, and Eastern philosophies.

The arts, especially music and photography, have been an important component of Tom’s life and continue to provide him with spiritual nourishment. He is a songwriter (music and lyrics) by avocation. Nature walks, parks, and gardens are also key elements of his spiritual connection.

Prior to his employment at MCCUCCV, Tom held a variety of positions in mostly service-oriented fields including health care, emergency preparedness and response, and teaching.

A New York native, Tom has lived in the Los Angeles area since 1984. He met his spouse, Ron Stinnett, in 1997 when Ron began attending MCCV. Rev. Jeff Pulling officiated at their Holy Union at MCC in the Valley in January 1999; Rev. Elder Troy Perry, founder of the MCC Denomination, presided over their legal marriage in July 2008. Tom and Ron reside in Santa Clarita.

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